
'Twas score nights before Christmas, when all through your house
Every creature was stirring, save solely a mouse
With letter in bite, through your room he did stare
Hoping into his eyes, soon you would glare

Mouse 001

Now caught by the green, curl and a smile
A red letter did shift, scurry, float and defile
Your eminent space, before decisions were made
Read you this letter, alone and afraid…

Mouse 002

Dear Child,

I regret to inform you of your misgivings. The ambivalent nature of your gratitude infects loyalty. I am no more omnipotent than you are faithful. No more omniscient than you are reverent. And no more omnipresent than you are obedient. Your lack of temperance blinds you to my existence. While patience begat the rapture of my downfall, arrogance and avarice fueled inaction. I am no more.

You are my inverse, my guiding light. The star for which I follow. Each comet of sky's caste is a precipitation of guidance. In this I endeavor to dare better of myself.

Yet, you are desperation. Not by your own cause, but by my work and my absence. I lay cold, blameless in comparison. Yet I lay unperturbed by the reality of my cause. In this Clause I entrust to you.

That (triple garden) Kid.

Now days have gone past, without a whisper or sound
Until a cornered protrusion, stuck up through the ground
Between parallel planks, from whence it was caged
Freed you this letter, alone and engaged…

Letter 001

Dear Fellow Children,

I apologize for the dim wit with which I took to decipher this clause message past. Yet I write before you in earnest: act. Not for my sake or yours, but for the opportunities upon which these letters fall. How else, but by his name, could you grasp my correspondence before you. This evidence alone cements the validity of his claim, and mine.

Act. I implore you. The rain under which we dare to move inversely knocks nightly at our roofs. Act! Not because we will but because we can, act. It is all I can, ask.

Some, Good Kid.

P.S.: I have maps.

Believe what you may, believe what you might
The children are coming, not by day but by night
I sent them those letters, I sent them the fight
The workshop is taken, and now it's on sight!

Children 001 - 2